在中国佛教体系中,有一个分支叫做天师道,其始祖就是大名鼎鼎的张道陵。 相传为汉光武尚书建武六年张良八世孙。 张道陵的诞生颇为神奇。 据说,他的父亲夜梦,北斗七星,从天而降,化作人形,手中捧着一颗仙药,晶莹剔透,香气扑鼻。 男人将仙药递给张母,张母将仙药吞入腹中。 醒来后,只觉胸中火热,满室飘香,自此怀了孕。 五月底的一天,朱家屋内灯火通明,张道陵出生了。
张道陵七岁就能为人讲解《道德经》,河图陈味等其他书籍他也通晓。 十六岁时,除精通佛经外,还将孝经五经熟记于心。 除了学识渊博,张道陵的容貌更是出众。 他长而准,双手齐膝,走路如虎,令人叹息。 不久,他被当地一位圣人推荐到太学学习。
虽然进入了太学,但张道陵始终没有忘记修道长寿这件事。 一日清晨,想起多年修炼无功而返,不禁感叹道:“凡人一生,如光如电,一百年转瞬即逝!就算你是天大的大臣,又能坚持多久呢?”荣华富贵?到头来,也不过是葬身黄土罢了!” 他的感叹恰好被一个叫王畅的朋友看到??,他深表赞同。 谈了很久,他对张道陵很是佩服,当即拜他为师。 随后,两人潜心修炼,希望长生不老。 没过多久,他们干脆放弃了太学,一起去各个名山拜道,想要学习圣法。
一日,二人因与战神大战,来到寿春郡。 他们在路上被一个穿着花花绿绿的男孩拦住了。 小男孩认真地问:“夕阳西下,路途遥远,你们两个要去哪里?”
童子听后道:“人人谈道,都是望风捉影!你必须学会??‘黄帝九鼎丹’,方可升天。” 师徒四人磕头向童子请教如何得此道法。 童子示意二人凑近,在张道陵耳边轻声说道:“左青龙,右白虎,自然有天宫在其中!” 话音刚落,一阵风吹过,少年便消失了。 张道陵将这两句话牢牢记在心里,只是不解其意。
这一天,师徒四人来到一座大山前,找当地农民打听,才知道这座山叫老君山。 张道陵看到‘雁荡山’三个大字,心头一颤,对王畅道:“左青龙右白虎,是指这里吗?” 说这里藏着一本仙书?”
师徒四人并肩而行,足足走了半天,才爬上了山顶。 在山顶仔细寻找后,发现了一个隐藏在行道树中的石洞。 洞上有“碧露洞”三个小字。 入洞内,才知洞顶深邃,凹凸不平,深不可测。 好不容易走到洞的尽头,发现两扇紧闭的石门。 在这样一个陌生的地方,张道陵确信这一定是仙府,便和弟子王畅坐在石门外的地上,等着开门。
等了七日之后,石门忽然自己缓缓打开。 两人大着胆子走进去,才发现上方是一片竹林,竹林磅礴,雾气若隐若现,果然是仙境古朴之地。 两人没走多远,在山间找到了一张石桌。 桌子上没有别的东西,只有一本书。 张道陵还没走进去,就拿起看了看,只见上面写着“黄帝九鼎太虚丹经”几个字。 张道陵大喜道:“大功告成,仙人显灵,把仙书给我!” 师徒四人高兴不已。
将丹经带出竹林,师徒四人按照书上的法门精进学佛,一年之内功法穷尽,道学方兴未艾。 只是看起来道术是知道的,但是丹药的成本非常高,而且很多抗生素在深山中都很难弄到。 张道陵曾学过用符水治病的法门,听说蜀地民风淳朴,便随师父王昌赴蜀。 他们在蜀地鹤鸣山中学学佛,专门用复水给当地人治病。 张道陵治病常有奇效,他们师徒的名声也渐渐传开,许多人拜其为弟子,学佛浮水之法。
不多时,张道陵见信众越来越多,心服口服,当街立誓:庙前有水池,凡有癌症者,应将所犯恶事记下。把他们一生中做过的纸,扔进水池里,向神明祈祷。 誓不再重犯,重犯必死。 发誓后,饮池中符水,病即愈。 大病痊愈后,他拿出五斗米来谢天谢地。 后来,凡是百姓有病,都认为是神灵的抵抗。 乞符水痊愈后,不敢再作恶。
这些年,张道陵和王畅做师徒,积攒了不少钱财。 他们拟定丹药,开始修炼《龙虎大丹》。 两年后炼丹,此时的张道陵已经六十岁了,服下丹药之后,容貌发生了变化,看上去就像是一个三十多岁的年轻人。 除了容貌的变化,自从服用了“龙虎丹”之后,张道陵拥有了分身的能力:有人看到张真人在溪流中漂流,与此同时,另一个张真人正在念经寺内,张道陵接待来客时,到处都是同一个真人,真假难辨。
一天,一位小方士告诉张真人:“西城有一个白虎神,专门喝人血,当地村民为了安抚白虎神,每年都要祭祀活人。” 张真人听了这话,忍不住了。 ,恰好祭祀之日将至,他便亲自赶往长平,欲一睹究竟,拯救百姓。
一到玄武,只见一群人在敲锣打鼓。 其中一人被绑起来,送往白虎观。 张真人拦住一个平民问话,那人说:“这白虎神灵很灵验,一年不供奉,就会有大风大雨,没有收成。所以,老百姓害怕,每一年,每个人都赔一个人,赤身裸体,绑起来,送到庙里。半夜,白虎神来喝血享受,才不会毒害百姓。过去。这种情况已经持续了很多年,政府不敢严格禁止。
张真人见真是活祭,十分恼火。 他推开人群,走到队伍最前面,大声喝道:“放开这个人,我替他去白虎庙!”
” 众村民叽叽喳喳议论良久,说:“不信你们去吧,总之就是命,谁去都一样。 于是他们放走了被捆绑的村民。 太感谢了。
你们上来要挟持张师,张师道:“我愿祭祀白虎神,绝不会逃走,何必绑我!” 众人顺着他们的话,当着张师的面进了神殿。
踏入神殿,张真人看到上方香火缭绕,灯烛辉煌,正中的祭坛上放着一座神龛,苍白恐怖。 众乡亲拜倒在地,拜了白虎神许久寻仙男名字,才将张真人关在庙里,退了出去。
人群散去后,张真人闭上眼睛在殿中打坐,心神如止水。 二更前后,普普通通的神殿中突然刮起一阵大风,白虎神乘风冲到张真人身前,张口要电刀。 张师不闪不闪,嘴巴、耳朵、眼睛、鼻子立刻释放出绿光。 这绿光仿佛有灵性一般,牢牢抓住了白虎神。
白虎神还想挣扎,忽然,一个真人出现在了他的身前、背后、左右两侧,通体散发着青光。 绿光让白虎神的耳朵都难以张开,吓得连连求饶。
原来,白虎神就是金神。 自从武丁开山掘开蜀山,金气外泄。 金神不再禁锢,重生为白虎神,这倒是害了一面。 为了避免受到伤害,当地村民每年都要祭祀活人,让他们勉强过上平静的生活。 张真人修炼了元婴,修炼了真火。 火能克金,而他天生就是克制这金神的。
白虎神跪在地上,不断的争论着。 张真人可不想把他们都杀了。 他是向虎神提亲,才不会白白害人。 第二天一早,乡亲们打开庙门,看到张真人丝毫没有受伤,躺在地上大口大口的调整着气息。 见乡亲们都来了,张大人告诉大家,白虎神已经被抓了,以后再也不会来要活人的命了。 众乡亲如得了特赦一般,纷纷询问张真人的姓名。 张真人道:“我是鹤鸣山的张道陵!” 说完,真人就突然离开了。
乡亲们都敬仰张真人的功德,在白虎寺前又建了三座佛堂,供奉张真人的塑像。 从此,就停止了活人的祭祀。
顺帝元年,八月十五日夜,张真人正在鹤鸣山观中修炼调息,忽听仙乐之声从天而降。 张真人快步来到院子里,只见东方飘来一片紫色的云彩,云中驾着一辆仙辇,缓缓降临。 仙辇中站着一位神人,身姿凤舞凤舞,身上光芒万丈,非凡人所能迎战。 车前还站着一人,正是彩衣那位教寿春师徒走迷宫的少年。
童子下车,对张真人说:“慌什么,车上有太上君。” 张真人听说是老君下凡,连忙跪拜。
老君缓缓开口道:“近来川域多出鬼王,杀戮众生,杀戮万里!你去代我杀尽所有鬼王,救度一众生灵。那你功德无量,可跻身神仙!” 说完,老君站在张真人身前一点,地上顿时出现了六百三十卷三清仙经,七十二卷符卢灵丹圣法,一对男女剑,以及一枚天师印。 ”老先生再次叮嘱道:“我与你定下千日之约,千日后我们在阆苑见面。 张真人当即领命,仙车载着老先生缓缓向东。
张真人小心翼翼地从老君那里接过仙书,日夜修炼,道法大有长进。 一日,闻豫州出现八名鬼将,每人率领亿万鬼兵,屠戮天下,杀戮数千人。 张真人负责传授老君的圣旨,岂能坐视? 他立即赶到青城山,立了一座琉璃坛。 坛两侧供奉元始天尊,右置三十六经。 四周布满灵气扇,龙虎兵布阵,企图擒拿鬼帅。
一众鬼将见风声,赶走所有鬼兵,前来与真人交战。 鬼兵们呼喊着冲上青城山杀戮,想要擒拿琉璃法台。 张真人不动声色的站在祭台上,两指一弹,一颗莲子飞上天空,旋即化作一朵巨大的莲花,将祭台罩住,任凭那些鬼魂再怎么扑杀,都无法承受近战一步。 鬼使们见莲花法阵无法破开,便用千余把火把将真人烧死。 张真人微微一笑,拂尘在空中一挥,顿时火光一转,反而射杀了无数鬼物。
鬼帅不服,次日又怂恿其他几名鬼帅,一共六名鬼帅率领数万鬼兵与张真人交战。 张道士深知斩首不如降心,于是说道:“你们都叫鬼将,灵力无量,来对战吧,看谁高谁低,是什么?” ?” 六名鬼将忍不住笑了起来。 ,点头同意。
张真人命师父王长生生火。 大火熊熊时,他纵身跳入火中。 张真人一踏入火中,一朵青莲立即出现,保护着张真人,火光根本伤不到他。 ”六名鬼将看着笑道:“我还以为道术好高深呢,怎么就这么难呢? 说完,两名鬼将便纵身跳入了火光之中。 谁知这火是张真人丹药的仙火,贵帅怎么挡得住? 两个鬼使者大喝一声,翻动着火盆,身上的衣服和头发都被烧焦了。
张真人伸出手指在地面上点了点,眼前出现了一个鱼塘,他纵身跃入水中。 不多时,湖面翻腾,张真人骑着一条黄龙在水中穿行,身上的衣服一点水分都没有。
六名鬼将见状后,笑道:“你们的火好厉害,这水有什么可怕的?” 说完,六名鬼将齐齐跳入水中。 一入水,这些人就知道不对劲了。 水是那样的阴沉,仿佛有几千根缝衣针被钉在了他们的身上。 他们在水里挣扎了许久,用四肢的全部力量游回岸边,一个个??死后仿佛还活着。
先是被火灼伤,后是洪水泛滥,六名鬼将狼狈而怒,化作八只五彩斑斓的猛虎,齐齐朝着张师扑了过去。 张真人见招拆招,化作六狮猛虎。 鬼帅见自己得不到好处,化作六头黑龙,杀了六头狮子。 看到青龙朝自己扑来,张真人顿时化作六只金翅大鹏,张开巨大的喙,向青龙的眼珠上啄来。 鬼帅随即化作三色云雾,方圆百里的天空和黑暗顿时暗淡下来。 张真人取出符咒,抛向空中。 刹那间,一轮红日升上天际,照亮大地,云雾顿时消散。
贵帅的手段早已用尽,面面相觑,不知该如何硬拼。 张师附身,捡起一小粒沙子,抛向空中,瞬间在空中形成了一座小山,将那些鬼物和使者都笼罩在了其中。 这座山被一根银线系起来,悬在空中。 山上有两只老鼠在啃银线,随时都有可能掉到地上,把所有的鬼魂都杀光。 众鬼将大骇,齐齐跪地求饶,哀求道:“饶命!我将退回西撒拉国,不敢再对这里的人下手。”
张真人命令众鬼全部退到西边,再不让他们再往东边走,又收回了那座天山。 鬼将们松了口气,见小山不见了,心里有些恼火,犹豫着要不要后退。 张师长长的叹了口气,知道这些鬼使终究不会善待,所以他下定决心,取出一张法符飞向了天空。 不多时,风伯大风,女娲大雨,雷母生雷,雷神采雷,天兵天将从天而降,杀尽鬼杀,张真人受灵力. 张真人见鬼魂四处游荡,笑着说:“以后蜀人就可以安居乐业了。”
张真真对师父王畅说:“我渡劫之日将至,碧炉洞是我得道之地,不可忘本。” 于是师徒四人回到寿春县城,在老君山搭了茅草屋,精进修行。 不朽的道教。 一日中午,茅屋外响起仙乐之声,张真人躺下出屋拜拜。 只见各路神仙在太上老君的衬托下,踏着祥云,不落人后。
老君吩咐面前的童子大声说道:“你的功德本应拨云渡劫,位列九大真仙。但你在蜀地杀戮太多,又善于调风,下雨打雷闪电,你派天兵天将送鬼魂,杀戮已尽,上天有善生之德,你却肆无忌惮,使蜀地杀戮。所以明天不能离你太近,你闭关鹤鸣山,精进修道,三人与你同时渡劫,等你等五人都齐了,我就在上清宫等着大家。” 说罢,老君忽然离去。 听到老君的话,张真人知道自己大错特错,只好跟着师父王畅回鹤鸣山去了。
回到鹤鸣山,张真人带领一众弟子安心修道,等待渡劫之时。 渐渐地,张师的弟子越来越多,弟子多了,是非难免。 不少弟子议论纷纷,说只有王畅得到了真传,张师实在是偏心了。
张真人听说后,将所有弟子召集在一起,沉声道:“你还未脱俗,怎么想着离开人间渡劫?人家都说我不想教了。”博大精深的道家,难道你不知道我不想拔苗助长。今年3月3日,东方来一人,方脸身材矮小,身穿貂皮大衣,锦袄,虽然三天没和我修道,但他是正道之人,不弱于本王。” 弟子们顿时又信又疑。
王畅领着师命,走出山门向东望去,只见一人缓步而行。 那人鞋子的模样,平时和张真人今年所说的一样,让众弟子都暗暗惊叹。 国王吩咐众弟子说:“此人到了山门,不要给他开门,赶他回去。”
那人到了山门,自称姓郭,姓盛,魏郡人。 众弟子在山门前停下,道:“张师要远行,你们可以走了。” 赵升说完也没有走,恭敬的站在原地。 晚上,赵升还在山门外,所有弟子都不理他,关上了山门,留下赵升在外面睡觉。
次日,众弟子打开山门,只见赵升依旧恭敬的站在山门外,依旧求见张真人。 众弟子怒道:“我师父不肯轻易传道,我们等了好几年,连半点玄学都没有学到,别指望了!”
“你要见张师,我们也不拦着,只是徒弟不在山里,不知道什么时候回来,你还是早点走吧,别浪费时间了。” ”
接下来的几天,赵升都一直躺在山门外,没有要走的意思。 久而久之,弟子们对他越来越不耐烦,甚至辱骂他,把他当成乞丐。 赵升一向是一副和颜悦色的样子,他也不在意。 他每天到山脚下的村子里买饭吃,吃完就在山门外等候。 中午,弟子们不让他进屋,他就露宿了四十多天。 众弟子见他仍不肯离去,便私下议论道:“虽然赶不走,但也不能让他见见弟子,学不了精妙之道。”
这一天,张师敲钟,召集众弟子,说道:“赵升在这里四十多日,受够了屈辱,明日请他来见我。” 真人已经知道赵升已经到了。 王昌奉师命,请赵升入内相见。
赵升一见到张师,就低头求张师收他为徒。 张真人想试探他是否有诚意重新修道,所以没有立即答应赵升,而是派他去守苗。
赵升奉命来到场边。 只有一间破烂的茅草屋,四周没有围栏,野兽时常出没。 赵升每天悉心照料苗木,赶走野兽,三天没有松懈。 一天晚上,月明星稀,赵升独自坐在茅草屋中,忽然闯入一位美男子,说了一句深深的祝福。 曰:“小人居南村,与伴下赏荷,因下田间歇,与伴迷路,至此迷路。走得腰酸背痛。”非常感谢小人让我在这里住一晚。”
夜深人静,单身男女实在不方便,赵升本想推回去。 没想到,男人径直走到床边,也不管赵升同意不同意,起身就睡了。 赵升见状,只好让她睡在床上。 我在地上铺了些稻草,就穿着衣服睡觉了。
次日,那人以四肢还在痛为由,仍不肯离去,还奉承讨饭,赵升无法拒绝,只能一一照办。 男人的话越说越重,对赵升百般逼迫。 中午,她脱下校服睡在床上,说着严寒,还让赵升睡在她身边,靠着火炉取暖。 赵升心如铁石,见这人越来越不要脸,连茅屋都不进,在山边坐到天亮。 第四天,男人突然不见了,却在土墙上留下了四句话:美色人皆有好,君子心肠硬。 年少不欢,不负大好时光。
赵升见后,哈哈大笑,自言自语道:“年轻时快乐,能快乐多少年?人生如白马过,如梦如幻,怎能错过街市。”片刻的喜悦!” 他脱下鞋子,用鞋后跟擦掉那四句话。
时间过得真快,不知不觉一年多过去了。 这时,赵胜奉张师傅之命,??拿起斧头开始上山砍柴。 三天后,赵升在山中看到一棵枯树。 不料一斧砍倒,树连根拔起,倒在一旁。 再看树叶底下,一坑金黄色漏了出来。 就在这时,天空中有人说道:“天赐黄金,赵胜可以拿下!”
赵升听了,一点也不高兴,心想:“我一个出家的人,要那么多金子有什么用呢?毕竟我不是白拿的,拿去可不是什么好事!” 想了想,又把金子用土埋了起来。 After that, I up the and to go down the and go back to the . But a burst of , Zhao Sheng a big rock and dozed off. there was a wind, and two out of the mound. Zhao Sheng the tiger , but still sat still. Those two were also , they only bit Zhao Sheng's coat, but they didn't hurt his life.
Zhao Sheng was not at all, and to the two : "I, Zhao Sheng, have never done in my life. Now I have of miles to a , just to . If I owe in my life, then just eats and eats." If it is not me, I will never avoid it; if not, and don't me." After this, the two bowed their heads as if they could human , and left. After that, Zhao Sheng to the with the on his back as if had , and he didn't tell about the tiger .
One day, Zhang asked Zhao Sheng to go to the to buy ten bolts of cloth. Zhao Sheng went to the , ten bolts of cloth to the real 's , paid the money, and to go to the . But just as he out of the shop, he heard , "Don't go, the cloth thief!"
Zhao Sheng back, and it out that the owner of the cloth shop to him. He Zhao Sheng and said, "I haven't paid the money yet, to take my cloth away? Hurry up and my cloth, or you will look good!"
The made for no , and Zhao Sheng didn't argue, but : "The me to buy this cloth. If I it to him, how can I meet the ?" cloth money. , the boss of the cloth shop still felt that there were too few, so Zhao Sheng took off his and them to him, and the boss of the cloth shop left .
Zhao Sheng to the with the cloth and to his . Zhang asked him, "Where did the go on your head?"
"It's not cold , so I didn't wear any ." Zhao Sheng said.
Zhang his beard and : "It's rare not to be with money and not to talk about other 's right and wrong!"
In , Zhao Sheng and his were wheat in the field. When was , a man came by the side of the road, for food again. The man's were , his face was with dust, and his face was full of . He could smell a smell from a . Zhao Sheng his nose and that man as a .
But Zhao Sheng 't bear it in his heart, so he came to help the man to the hut and gave him his own food. Then he of cold water to drive away the dirt for him. The man said that his head was very cold, so Zhao Sheng his , took out a new skirt that he hadn't worn yet, and it to him. At night, Zhao Sheng was of wild , so he with him in the hut. For more than ten days, Zhao Sheng took good care of him, the , but he left , Zhao Sheng didn't .
One , Zhang led a group of to the top of Peak. On that day, the three sides of were by , like a , steep. Zhang asked his to stand on a cliff and look down. There was a fruit tree on the cliff, out like a , and there was an abyss under the tree. There are a lot of on the fruit tree, all of them are red and big, when they look at them.
Zhang said to all his : " can pick this kind of peach, I will give him the ." Apart from Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng, Zhang 's 230 . They faced the cliff and into the , all of them with , , and after just one , for fear that a gust of wind would blow them off.
At this time, one , it was Zhao Sheng, and he said to : "My me to fetch , and I will get them. Even if the is here, the and gods care for him, and he will never fall off the cliff and die." He the fruit tree and down. to say, he nor , just now he sat on the fruit tree. Zhao Sheng was , and sat on the tree and began to pick .
The were , but when Zhao Sheng up, the fruit tree was four or five feet away from the top of the cliff, and there was to climb in the . Zhao Sheng sat on the tree and threw the he one by one. Zhang ate a peach , gave Wang Chang one, and left one for Zhao Sheng. There are 230 left in the rest, which will be to other , one not too many and one not too few.
After the , Zhang and asked all the , who can Zhao Sheng? The at each other, who could have that ? Zhang to the edge of the cliff and out an arm. Those legs kept and , four or five feet in a flash, and to Zhao Sheng's side. Zhao Sheng didn't have any , he up by his 's . Zhang gave the left to Zhao Sheng to eat, and at the : "Zhao Sheng has a good mind, so he can jump on the tree the car. I also want to try it and see if I can get a few big ones." peach."
When the heard this, they them: ", you are in , but you 't act so ! Just now Zhao Sheng was able to come up by on the 's . If you jump down too, who will guide you up?" This is ." All the Zhang 's coat and tried to each other, but only Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng did not say a word.
Zhang didn't to 's , away all his , and off the cliff. You up the tree, but there was no trace of Zhang, and there is a deep below, you don't know Zhang is dead or alive. All the were in a mess, some , some cried, it was very .
Zhao Sheng said to Wang Chang: " is my . My 's life or death is . How can we feel at ease? Why don't we jump down and see where is?" Wang Chang , and the two off the cliff side by side. . The wind in the ears, and the two of them fell fast, and they were about to be into flesh. But when they , an cloud under their feet, the rapid fall, and sent them to the .
As soon as the two stood still, they saw Zhang on a big rock, saw the two fall down, and : "I the two of you to come!"
It out that what to Zhao Sheng after he came here was all done by Zhang, and it was the "Seven of Zhao Sheng". What are the seven tests? One, keep . , it is not close to . Three, do not take gold. Four, not of evil . Fifth, cloth was , or . Sixth, good and good . Seven tests, give up your life as a .
At this , Zhang was sure that the two had a heart, and he them what he had in his life . After a day and three like this, Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng did their best. that they had their , Zhang the two of them with both hands, flew to the top of the cliff, and to the . All the that the three of them had been burnt to death, but when they saw them go back , they their noses in shock.
One night, a god-man in armor in the sky, a jade , and said in a loud voice: "By the order of the old lord, I call the real to go to the Qing ." As soon as he , a huge black flew from the sky, on the . Land, ride Zhang .
The black into the sky, was like , and soon in front of a . A pair of and Zhang into the hall. into the hall, there is a ball of light on the front seat, and the real body of is in the . The old a jade book and Zhang the title of "Zheng ", a in the world, to the world. Then he told the real the of the in his heart.
After Zhang was to to the , he all books, male and , jade books and other in a jade . he found all the and said: "I am about to cross the . If any of the can lift this jade , they can open the jade and get my true ." It seems to be worth a gold, and it can't be at all. that no one could move the jade , Zhang : "Ten days after the , my will come here to open the jade and to lead to ."
On the day of the , Zhang Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng alone, and said, "You two are deep in , so you can go the with me. I still have two here, and each of you has one. , we will be with you." I will cross the ."
At noon on this day, the sky was full of , from all walks of life , and the joy of in the sky. Zhang , Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng were in the , the the day. This year is the first year of Huan's Long , and Zhang is 123 years old.
Ten days after the , Zhang Heng, the son of Zhang , from to . All the took out the jade and the real 's order. any , Zhang Heng the jade and took out the jade books, books and other , thus the and a for to come.
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